Monday, February 23, 2015

Last Weekly Email From Idaho


Last Weekly Email

I know God lives. He loves me and wants me to be happy. I know this plan that He has created for us is perfect. I know all wrongs will be swallowed up in Christ when He comes again. I love my Savior and want so badly to be like Him. I am so grateful for the Gift of the Holy Ghost. It has helped me through life so many times and I have felt it work threw me to teach others. 
I know that the work done in temples is real. I have felt the power and happiness it brings. I know my family will be together forever. What greater blessing could you want!?
Missionary work is the key to happiness. Get outside yourself and serve! This is how you become happy! Seeing a smile on some one’s face because of the gospel is the greatest feeling in the world.
I know what I have been teaching for two years is true. 100% of it. I exhort you to find for yourself if this is true. Ask God! He will tell you what you need to do!!!! The Book of Mormon is true. Joseph Smith was and is a prophet of God. 
I love this work. It the greatest thing I have ever done.

Elder Eldredge

Monday, February 16, 2015

I Know The Gospel Is True. I Know God Lives. I Know You Can Know This Too.


Another great week!

We have been going on splits like mad! Almost every day this week Elder Fontes and I have gone out with members to contact people who had talked to the missionaries in the past. We have put in a lot of time and energy into it. Our Heavenly Father is a funny guy. He asks us to work and do our best. To "[thrust] in [our] sickle with [our] might" (D&C 4:4) and he will do the rest. So here we are trying to talk to these people and nothing is really come of it. We have had some amazing experiences, but no direct success. But this is our Heavenly Father’s work and He will never let hard work go unblessed.

Elder Fontes and I have a goal of inviting at least one person everyday to follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized and Heavenly Father has given those opportunities to us. He has also given us 3 people to set baptismal dates with as they progress in the gospel. Jaime and Karina, and a new guy named Anthony. WE ARE SO BLESSED!!!!

I love you all. I know this gospel is true. I know God lives. I know you can know this too. 

Monday, February 9, 2015

Never Gonna Stop


 Quick list of craziness!
1) Stepping into hell
2) Drunks seeing and talking to spirits
3) Zone Training madness
I love being a missionary!!!!!
1) So there is this apartment. A basement apartment. You have to take 5 or so steps down into it. They have no power except for a single power cord they are running from the upstairs apartment. It’s dirty, and smells of something not natural. We have been here a few times but this time was crazy. As we walked in there was a bunch of kids ages 7-19 lying around doing nothing. Some were sleeping, others just sitting there. Elder Fontes went around with our phone and shined it on the faces of the kids trying to find someone we knew. We found the two older kids who we had met before and started talking with them. Food and garbage lay all over the floor. On a table in the next room were two hooka pipes. We asked if they had any light and they turned on a black light. So now we all looked like something from the movies. The adult of the house finally showed up and we spoke with her. She is a member and we are trying to get her to come to church with us. We talked about the benefits of raising your kids in the gospel. We were very bold, and loving, in inviting her to bring her children to church so she and her children could make changes in their lives. Then the kids got in the conversation. It was amazing feeling the very real spirits in the room fight. As we testified, the spirit, the Holy Ghost, would be felt. Then they would come back with a rude or inappropriate comment and dismiss the spirit. We left with an invitation to come to church. We will see where it goes from there.
2) Walking past a door and we hear someone speaking very loudly. We got closer and the smell of alcohol was thick. It was rather comical.
3) This week, Elder Fontes and I did interviews with all the companionships in the zone to prep for zone training. We talked about inviting people to be baptized daily but doing it effectively; with real meaning and with the spirit. Then on Friday we had our zone training. The APs came and said we did a good job. After every training section we would stand up and do a practice. It got people out of their comfort zones and talking! It was good :) I love this zone, I love these missionaries, I love this work.
Never gona stop.

Elder Eldredge   

Monday, February 2, 2015

Do You Want To Know?


Another great week!
Monday Anthony was baptized!!!! It was a crazy, yet amazing baptism. Everything that could have gone wrong did, and that should have gone wrong, didn't!!! Anthony and Kevin showed up late; the chairs were not set up, the pianist almost had to bail, and the font was overly filled!!!! But the spirit was SO strong. The message given before the baptism was about the power of the atonement and its ability to make us whole.  Kevin, the guy who was a saitinest and now baptized and holding the Aaronic Priesthood, baptized him and did it perfectly. Anthony bore his testimony on how he knows this is Christ’s church. It was powerful!!!!! It was another witness to me that this is the Lord’s work. Not ours. We are only here to do the paperwork.... and he still has angels keeping note!!!! 
Elder Fontes and I are doing a lot of finding. We try and talk to everybody. We took a night and walked down town IF and spoke to some crazy people!!! 
Brendan, a young man who we invited to be baptized, is having a hard time coming to church. He was sick this weekend.
Jeromy and Haily are doing just about as good as an extremely, first time, pregnant lady could. They also were not able to make it to church. Prayers would be VERY appreciated for them. 
Last night we spoke to a young couple. His name is Jaime,22 (Hi-me) and her name is Karina,20. We were able to testify of the Book of Mormon and eternal families. They aren't married yet, but as we spoke of forever families, it pricked Jaime's interest. He asked for scriptures in the bible that spoke of eternal families. I pray he will read the Book of Mormon and sincerely pray to know if it’s true!
I found it!!! I found the secret to success!!! 2 Nephi 1:20 and Mosiah 2:41!!!

“And he hath said that: Inasmuch as ye shall keep my commandments ye shall prosper in the land; but inasmuch as ye will not keep my commandments ye shall be cut off from my presence.”

“And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God.  For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness.  O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it.”

All we have to do is keep the commandments!!! Put God first!!!!! We can see throughout time, both in the scriptures and in history that as the people humble themselves and become a reverent and God obeying people, they prospered! Why not us!!! Why not now? What are you willing to put upon the alter and sacrifice so you might prosper and come closer to your Heavenly Father!?!?!?

I love you. I know this is God’s gospel once again established on the earth. I know we can know truth! We don't have to guess. We can
 know that God lives and loves us. We can know what to do with our lives. Do you want to know?

Elder Eldredge

My sister and me at BYUI devotional.

Monday, January 26, 2015

I Know This Is God's Work


This week was CRAZY!!!
On Monday Elder Fontes and I met a guy who goes by "Moe." He is from Dubai! He was Muslim but converted in London while attending college. He told his parents he wanted to go to BYUI without telling them he converted!!! He is an amazing young man and it was so great getting to know him. His story and his past are inspirational!!! Also today we got the phone number to Anthony Armstrong, the missionary who goes on his mission at the end of the movie "Meet the Mormons." He was willing to do a fireside for us Sunday. He was already coming into town to go on a camping trip with his old scout master and Kevin Maxwell Facebook friended him and asked if he would be willing to!
Tuesday Kevin was interviewed and found worthy to hold the Aaronic Priesthood!!! I’m so excited for him! Tonight at7:00 he will baptize his friend Anthony!!!!
Wednesday Elder Fontes got a call from his old companion up in Rigby telling him thier recent convert was in the IF hospital after a serious heart attack. She was 21 and a really close friend to Elder Fontes. He and his old companion went to the hospital and Elder Coggins, my old companion and Elder Fontes' old companion’s new companion (did that make sense?), and I went and taught a lesson at our stake president’s home. Elder Fontes' recent convert died about 2:00 am that night. 
Thursday we went to the temple. I love going to the temple. The IF temple will be closed March 15 for 18 months due to major changes to the interior of the temple. Pretty crazy!!! We also had Interviews with President Brinkerhoff that day. It was good seeing President and Sister Brinkerhoff. They said they missed me :) I asked President what I could do to improve and he told me to be the example of how a missionary should end their mission. So that's my plan. I’m not going to think about it and put all I have into the work!
Later that night we got a call from a guy asking us to come give a blessing. When we showed up his brother was lying on his bed with the death rattles. The same sound I heard when Brian Allen died. We gave him a blessing of comfort and talked a little with the family. Why so much death this week?
Friday Anthony Armstrong came into town and we spoke to him about what the weekend was going to look like. He is a way chill guy and a gentleman. I haven't seen anyone in a long time be that dignified. It was refreshing. Anthony passed his baptismal interview and is very excited to be baptized!!!
Me, Anthony Armstrong & Elder Fontes

Saturday we found a new investigator! His name is Jeremy and his wife Hailey. Hailey is a member but left the church a long time ago but wants to come back! She is very pregnant, due in March, and Jeremy is a humble, hard working guy. Please pray for them! The ward has really stepped up and helped out a lot already! The Bishop called and set up a time to visit and the Relief Society President brought over a pot of soup for them! I love working with these great members!
Sunday was CRAZY!!! First we gave a talk in the 10th ward on the missionary guide called Preach My Gospel. Then we met up with Anthony Armstrong at 2:00 and went to an early dinner at a member’s home. Then went to the Temple Visitors Center and watched “Meet the Mormons” with an investigator. It was kinda weird watching a movie with one of the cast members sitting next to me!!! haha He’s a way cool guy. Then after lots of people wanting to take pics with him in the Visitors Center we went to the Dunbar building to ordain Kevin to the Aaronic Priesthood. Kevin asked Anthony Armstrong to ordain him. It was a cool experience. Then we went to the IF North Stake center and set up for the fireside that was planned for 7:00. By 6:55 there was over 700 people in the chapel and all the way back to the end of the gym!!! The biggest missionary fireside I have ever seen!!! It was crazy putting it on and getting everything together. I’m so grateful for so many missionaries and members that helped out.  
I know this is God’s work. It wouldn't work the way it does if He wasn't in it.

Elder Eldredge

Monday, January 19, 2015

Transfer Day


What a crazy week!
Transfers were Wednesday and my new companion is Elder Fontes. He is from Brazil and an amazing companion. He has so much fire and is so ready to go out there and uplift everyone! He is a great Zone leader and I have already learned so much from him!

After transfers we got our whole zone together and had a Zone Council. We talked about what we wanted to accomplish this transfer in the IF North Zone and beyond! We came up with a Zone Vision Statement: "Come unto Christ and be perfected in him, and fight for eternal lives through Christ"(Moroni 10:32). This is what we want to do! Self purification and inviting all to come to Christ!
James Rippel passed the sacrament this Sunday!!! It was so great watching him!!! I’m so blessed!
Anthony is working to be baptized this Saturday. Pleas pray for him!! Pray that he will continue to stay away from smoking and that he will have an unshakable testimony. 
We need prayers to find more people. The whole zone is struggling with that. 


Love, Elder Eldredge

The pictures are taken with several of the missionaries of the Pocatello Idaho Falls mission on transfer day.   

Me, Sister Warren, Elder Fontes (my new companion), Elder Downey (one of my old companions).
Me, Elder Polly, and Elder Coggins.

Sister Polido and I at the transfer sight. I was her brothers district leader before he went home.
Sister Hatch, Sister Warren, Elder Olson, Elder Merckly, and me.

Monday, January 12, 2015

What's Your Why?

Transfers!!!! Elder Coggins is leaving and going to Rigby. I'm sad to have him leave. He is a great missionary. Very driven and works very well with members and missionaries. My new companion is Elder Fontes (Say it like PhoneCheese). He is from Brazil. We have worked together before. He was a district leader in Shelly when I was a zone leader in the IF South Zone. He is AWESOME!!!! I’m very excited to be his companion!
The zone did much better this week! We were able to teach much more and more people have accepted the invitation to come unto Christ and be baptized! These missionaries are awesome! There is a lot of change happening in the zone. One missionary is leaving today, another at the end of the month, and another one 2 weeks into February. It doesn't look like we will stop changing!!! haha Such is life!

We had another missionary with us this week. His name is Elder Polly. His companion had to go home so he hung out with us this week. It’s been real fun getting to know him and work with him. He has a strong testimony of the Atonement and the power it can bring.
This week I also went on exchanges with Elder Moraza. He is a great missionary. He loves the work and he loves the people. He was a great example to me of getting out and talking to people. He and I made a goal to talked to everyone we came in contact with. This is something I have struggled with my whole mission. I HATE awkward situations. HATE THEM!!! So, sadly, I walk past people who I should be talking to. But I have gotten much better at it. Just this week we talked to a guy as we were walking out of an apartment complex. It ended up that he was a less active member who was struggling with some addictions. We were able to testify of Christ’s Atonement and how it CAN help him. We invited him to come with us to the Temple Visitors Center the next day and he came!!! It was awesome! We talked about the temple and the potential we all have as Children of God. He left with a smile and we are going to watch “Meet the Mormons” with him tomorrow :) (That’s a movie that was recently in theaters, if you didn’t know.  Watch it.  It’s cool.)
"What’s your WHY?" What drives you to get up in the morning? Why do you do the things you do, and why don’t you do the things you want to do! We must find our "why." Once you figure out why, you have no reason to stop! Why do I do the things I do? Because I want to make it to the Celestial Kingdom and live with God and my family forever. I want to see Madeline again. I want to make my God and my Savior proud. What’s your why?

Love you!

Elder Eldredge

Monday, January 5, 2015

God is good. God is good.


This week was hard. I loved New Years Eve and day, but we had a rough week in the IFNZ (Idaho Falls North Zone.) Please pray for the missionaries to work smarter and harder. We aren’t teaching as much as we could be and people are slipping from making a convenant with their Heavenly Father that will not only bring them closer to him now, but make it possible for them to be with Him forever! This is a trying time for our zone. 

This last year we baptized 992 souls!!! How amazing! The Lord really is hastening His work!!!

This past Sunday, Kevin, the young man who was baptized on the 20th, bore his testimony is Fast and Testimony meeting. It was awesome seeing him build up the courage and testify that he knows the gospel is true and that Joseph Smith and Thomas S. Monson are prophets of God. He brought his friend and helped him around church and was an amazing missionary. He reminds me a lot of Chris Artificavitch when he was recently baptized and the fire he had and still has. I love Kevin and want so badly for him to make it in this world. It seems at times that everything is against him, but he still has a smile on his face. 

This week I learned something really cool from another missionary. We had another missionary with Elder Coggins and I trying to contact some investigators. We finally were able to talk to a guy named James. James is about 22 and real chill. He likes talking with us and respects what we are trying to do. We had a quick lesson on his door step.... in the cold..... and talked about the Atonement. This Elder pulled out 3rd Nephi 11:14-15 and talked about how the people went up and reached out there hands and knew Jesus was the Christ. He explained that we need to do the same. We must reach out our hands to Christ to come to know that he is our Savior. It emphasized to me that we MUST take action if we expect to know God. John 17:3 " And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent."

Please pray for Terry, James, Drake, McKyla, Taylor, and Anthony. 

God is good. God is good.

Elder Eldredge